August 8, 2009

My Booky Wook by Russell Brand


PhotobucketI feel a bit uncomfortable commenting on a book I did not read, but that in itself is the reason for this post. I had this book on loan from the library for three weeks and how far did I get? 26 pages. That's right; I made it through the second chapter.

I rarely ever give up on a book, but every time I cracked it open, I fell asleep. Sometimes mid page. I feel bad for my reaction, but I could not seem to bring myself to care. Russell is funny in every other aspect I have seen, but the novice writing and theme of the first few chapters (further slowed by the cultural descriptions at the bottom of every other page) gave me the sense that I had better things to do with my time than tread water with this book. So, for maybe the third time in my life, I took my bookmark out and moved along.

I don't care for unfinished business though, so to placate myself, I've decided to amend my 'to be read' list with a 'to be continued' list. Haha. How's that for OCD behavior? So worried I will forget an unfinished task, I am comforted by lists.

I suppose my reaction and diversion from my usual box-checking nature says enough about my opinion of the literary Brand. In review:

Russell Brand stand-up ------ Disturbing and funny
Russell Brand acting --------- Creepy and funny
Russell Brand the author ---- Snooze-fest

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