August 8, 2009

One Day as a Lion

4 out of 5

one day as a lion ep Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm finding Zack de la Rocha's new project very enjoyable, in an old slipper kind of way. If you like Rage Against the Machine and long for music similar in cadence and bass line, this hits the spot. I'm not sure that Zack can be involved with a band and not have it be Rage redundant. That's just fine with me though. I'm not looking for anything new from him and I'm liking what I hear. Not every Tool needs to turn A Perfect Circle.

If there is one disappointment it is that it's more of a mini album. Five songs. Five whole songs.

While the album's signature song Wild International is good,

I find myself hitting the repeat button for If You Fear Dying.

You have to listen to it more than 10 seconds, though, to get past the similar bass riff. I promise, they are two different songs. :)

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